I know, dear readers, that some of you have been encountering difficulties leaving comments on this blog (and on other blogs in the ScienceBlogs galaxy). Indeed, I’ve encountered those same problems myself, trying to leave comments for my sibling bloggers. I’m confident that when our tech czar returns from vacation next week, all the problems will disappear.
In the meantime, though, I still want your comments!
The inelegant way around the problem (which manifests itself as an error message when you try to leave a comment) is to try another browser. (So, if you’re on Firefox, bring up Safari or IE to get the message posted). Another option is to email me your comment and I’ll get it posted for you.
One more comment issue: My policy to date has been to let all the comments that aren’t spam (or libelous, or unnecessarily profane) go up. However, given the length of one monster comment on an earlier post, I’m now also going to impose a “not-unreasonably-long” requirement, too. There’s only been one comment that was unreasonably long — so most of you have a good sense of how much to say! (You silent folks: say more!)