The state of the seedlings in my raised beds, nearly three weeks after the seeds were sown:
Look at those happy scarlet runner beans! Soon I’m going to have to give them some help climbing up that fence.
The bush beans are also coming right along, as are the soy beans:
Indeed, we’re getting to the point where I probably should “thin” the bean plants so they have enough room to grow to maturity. I always feel a little sad for the seedlings that get sacrificed for the good of their brethren.
I’d actually feel OK about it if we already had evidence of earthworm who might nom on the uprooted seedlings. (Or a chicken — something for which the sprogs make a case fairly consistently.) And, it’s only beans I feel any regret about thinning, since their seedlings are so sturdy and vigorous and healthy looking. Turnips? No problem! Radishes? Fweh!
But those beans …
The crucifera are coming along nicely. The mustard greens (pictured above) are starting to get a curl to their leaves. The kohlrabi have been thinned (although each day a few more seedlings peek up). The cabbages have made their appearance, and we’ve even seen the first cauliflowers appear.
The radishes, of course, are growing nicely. Their solar collectors (i.e., leaves) are growing nice and big, and soon their roots will start to fill out.
The rainbow chard is starting to develop leaves that look like chard leaves. Most of the lettuces are starting to appear, although they’re still quite wee. I’m guessing that they’re taking a bit longer to sprout because I planted them in sections of the beds that get more shade, so they won’t bolt. (Every other time I’ve tried to grow lettuce, ever, it has bolted.)
The nasturtiums have put up their first nasturtium-shaped leaves. Both the orange and the purple carrots have put up carroty greens. The red and yellow onions have also put up little shoots.
All we’re really waiting on is the parsnips.
No noticeable pest incursions to date. I’m guessing that honeymoon won’t last forever.

Your beans look well-enough separated the way they are. I seldom thin beans, and I get bounteous crops anyway. The plants just sprawl a bit more.
If you can find some used fishing net, it will make an excellent climbing network for the scarlet runners and will be reusable for numerous seasons.
Otherwise, the garden is looking very good. Enjoy!