The polls for 2005 Koufax Awards are now open! There are 15 award categories, and a good representation of science bloggers (including ScienceBlogsers) among the nominees.
Including (aw, shucks!) “Adventures in Ethics and Science” in the Best New Blog category. Of course, I would be honored if you were to vote for me! (Voting this round is in the comments or via email. Please, only vote once in each category — this isn’t a Front Page poll!)
Here are some of my favorites in the categories in which I’m not competing:
- Afarensis
- Circadiana
- Cognitive Daily
- Cosmic Variance
- Living the Scientific Life
- Mike the Mad Biologist
- Pharyngula
- Thoughts From Kansas
- Aetiology on Pandemic influenza
- Michael Berube for his posts about his son, Jamie
- DarkSyde at DKos for Science Friday
- Living the Scientific Life for Birds in the News
- PZ Myers for his series on sex. Invertebrate sex that is. Lobster sex Octopus sex Spider Kama Sutra Tentacle sex Tentacle sex, part deux, and Worm porn
Most Deserving of Wider Recognition:
I’m not going through the other categories — check them out yourself.
And whether you vote for me or not (please!please!please!), thanks for reading me!

Janet – that’s very sweet of you to put Phronesisaical among your favorites. Thanks for the vote of confidence!
Thanks for the mention!
Thanks for the mention! It is so hard to choose only one in each category – I wish I could vote for two dozen in each (as I nominated that many to begin with).