Eszter Hargittai at Crooked Timber points out another silly online quiz: Web 2.0 or Star Wars character?
So of course, I had to take it.
Out of 43 possible points, I scored a 32 — a mere point below Eszter’s 33 — leading to the diagnosis:
As your doctor, I recommend moving out of your parents’ basement.
The thing is, I’ve not even seen 2 of the 6 Star Wars movies, and my Web 2.0 cred is even worse.
I suspect I’m just a good test-taker. (And, of course, I’m hopeful that one of my ScienceBlogs brethren or sistern will out-geek me on this one!)

I scored a 31, and I’m not sure if I’m happy or sad about that. I think sad, because I should know my web 2.0 AND my star wars. Hmm.
My score is 2. I knew Jarjar and Padme. I saw the latest SW movie, and I do not really remember the first three I saw when they first came out decades ago.
I do not know what Web 2.0 is.
34. That’s just… scary.
Strangely enough I scored a 29 (on my Star Wars knowledge I guess, having seen two thirds of them as well). I’m not really convinced there is such a thing as Web 2.0.
38/43! Woo-hoo!
Oh–I probably shouldn’t be proud of that, should I? I hang my head in shame.
Oh, the heck with it. Woo-hoo!
(Actually, what’s really scary is that I know nothing whatsoever about Web 2.0. But my Star Wars knowledge … well, it takes up many more of my brain cells than is probably healthy.)
Ha, 37! 0wnz0r!!1!! Just like Beggar’s Canyon.
But I was just guessing.
No really, I was.
Well, yeah. If you guess randomly on a binary test, you expect a score somewhere near the middle, don’t you?