In honor of the arrival of all the new neighbors here at ScienceBlogs Towers, here’s a little getting-acquainted meme.
3 reasons you blog about science:
- To make the scientific method less scary to non-scientists.
- To examine the ways in which behaving ethically really makes for better scientific knowledge.
- Because I find science endlessly fascinating.
Point at which you would stop blogging:
If I ran out of things to say (which is hard for me to imagine).
1 thing you frequently blog besides science:
Academic stuff (pedagogical musings, rants about cheating, etc.)
4 words that describe your blogging style:
- Conversational
- Opinionated
- Curious
- Witty (sometimes … I hope!)
(More decimal places after the jump!)
1 aspect of blogging you find difficult:
Figuring out the right thing to say about how to fix a particular problem with the practice of science.
5 ScienceBlogs blogs that are new to you:
9 blogs you read outside the ScienceBlogs universe:
- A Concerned Scientist
- nanopolitan
- Thus Spake Zuska
- YoungFemaleScientist
- ChemJerk
- On being a scientist and a woman
- Open Reading Frame
- She Falters to Rise
- Bee Policy
2 important features of your blogging environment:
- White board or pad of paper — to map out my thoughts before I start typing.
- Coffee!
6 items you would bring to a meet-up with the other ScienceBloggers:
- Geeky T-shirt.
- William Shatner album.
- Rat-a-Tat-Cat
- Something to grill.
- Dancing shoes.
- Laptop.
5 conversations you would have before the end of that meet-up:
- With Abel Pharmboy: a conversation about the pros and cons of growing up in New Jersey.
- With Sandra Porter: a conversation about the entrepreneurial possibilities (?!) of philosophy.
- With Mark Chu-Carroll: a comparison of math jokes (and limericks!).
- With John Lynch: a discussion of underrated figures in the history of science.
- With John Wilkins: a discussion of the best Tick episode ever.
Consider yourself tagged!

I applaud this, but of folk who are scared of the scientific method, how many would ever visit a site called ‘scienceblogs’
You don’t visit a site called scienceblogs, you get here the same way I did, through links from other sites. (I got here from Respectful Insolence, I got there from Pharyngula, and I can’t remember how I got to Pharyngula – possibly Talk2Action)
Would anybody be actually ‘scared’ of the scientific method? Dismissive and disdainful, certainly, but scared?
OK. Mine will go up tomorrow (at Effect Measure). Glad you stopped at eight digits!
I have been lurking here for far too long without posting a comment. This one gives me the perfect opportunity, even if it is to just say, “Thanks for the cite!”
Thanks for the readership!
The entrepreneurial possibilities (?!) of philosophy??
Oh wow, you should peruse through the business literature section of a bookstore next time you’re hanging out in an airport. The most amazing writers, with the most interesting philosophies write about business. Everyone weighs in, Winnie-the-Pooh, Attila the Hun, the people that throw fish around at the Pike Place Market, and yes… even Harry Potter.
I think the business philosphers are more entrepenurial than you suspect. : o )