This morning, the Free-Ride family heard the news that McDonald’s had finally capitulated to hedgehog campaigners and redesigned the container for its McFlurry ice cream so that it is no longer a hedgie death-trap.
Elder offspring: What was the problem?
Dr. Free-Ride’s better half: The hedgehogs would find the containers and push their heads in to lick the sweet leftover ice cream, but then they would get stuck —
Younger offspring: I don’t think ice cream is good for hedgehogs.
Dr. Free-Ride’s better half: — and because they couldn’t get back out, they’d starve to death.
Elder offspring: Maybe they wouldn’t starve if there was enough leftover ice cream stil in the container.
Dr. Free-Ride’s better half: Anyway, to keep the hedgehogs from getting stuck, they made a new container with an opening that’s too narrow for the hedgehogs to get into.
Younger offspring: They could still get their tongues in.
Elder offspring: Not as far as an anteater could.
Dr. Free-Ride’s better half: You know, if the leftover ice cream attracted ants, that would make a very tasty treat for the anteaters!
Dr. Free-Ride: Are there many anteaters roaming the British countryside?
Younger offspring: The opening is too small for the anteaters to get in and get stuck, right?
Elder offspring: Right.
Dr. Free-Ride: What gets me is how it’s easier to redesign a product container than it is to train McDonald’s customers to throw away their rubbish properly.

Sonic! Oh my God! Speak to me, Sonic!