Elder offspring: The dung beetle rocks!
Dr. Free-Ride: The dung beetle rolls!
Elder offspring’s eyes roll.
* * * * *
The sprogs finally watched Microcosmos — which, of course, prompted a second, and third, and fourth viewing in close succession. (They may be young, but that doesn’t mean they’re not obsessive about details.) Some of their reactions to the film:
Elder offspring: I liked the dung beetle best.
Dr. Free-Ride: Yeah, it seems like the dung beetle is set up to be the hero of the movie.
Elder offspring: It has to be pretty smart to figure out how to get the ball [of dung] around that twig. Also, pretty strong.
Dr. Free-Ride: I suppose so.
Elder offspring: It’s like it has HM4.
Dr. Free-Ride: What?
Elder offspring: HM4. (Pauses, then explains slowly, as if to a little kid or a doddering parent:) Hidden Machine 4, which is strength. It’s a Pokemon thing.
Dr. Free-Ride: Oh.
* * * * *
Younger offspring: I like the part with the ants gathering seeds. They get lots and lots of food stored for the colony. I don’t really like the part with the bird.
Dr. Free-Ride: Oh, you mean the pheasant?
Younger offspring: Yeah. Actually, I like the part with the pheasant a little.
Dr. Free-Ride: Remind me, does the pheasant eat the ants’ seeds?
Younger offspring: No, the pheasant eats the ants.
Dr. Free-Ride: Do you think it would be nicer if the pheasant ate their seeds instead of eating the ants?
Younger offspring: No, ’cause then the ants would starve to death. The ants die either way.
* * * * *
Dr. Free-Ride: What do you guys think of the part with the snails? [The snails are mating. In slow motion, as snails do.]
Elder offspring: It’s cool, but the music [a “moving” operatic piece] is annoying.
Younger offspring: I think the part with the snails is silly. But I really like the ladybugs, especially the part where the one ladybug climbs on the other ladybug.
Elder offspring: Well, they didn’t add any annoying music to that part!

Dr. Free-Ride: The dung beetle rolls!
I think you need to re-take that nerd test. Your score was clearly too low!
I remember watching a Discovery channel type thing when I was a teenager about backyard critters. It included snails mating. Which is when my mother walked in and said “Are you watching snails having sex??”
I believe I rolled my eyes at her.
This one sounds like a fun video for kids!
Please ask your offspring which Pokemon game they like the most. I need to know if I have to add more names to my list.