Ben thinks it’s time to start auditioning for a ScienceBlogs house band.
Under the guidance of the Adventures in Ethics and Science Musical Advisory Panel (i.e., the sprogs), I’ve come up with a few suggestions:
They Might Be Giants. In their prodigious catalogue, they have made it clear that they value the nerdy as a contribution to pop culture. They rock the accordian. But, as younger offspring asks, “Why aren’t there any girl Giants?”
Shonen Knife. Don’t dare to laugh them off as “bubblegum”. This cute package will mess you up if you try to resist the beat it’s serving. But more of the songs are devoted to seafood than to more formal scientific areas.
Elvis Costello and the Attractions. A master of the haunting melody and the lyrical high-wire act, Mr. Costello has thus far not directed his songwriting talents in the direction of the outer or inner life of the scientist — which means the time is ripe. We’ll supply ethanol.
Kraftwerk. A band that embraced the computer as an instrument of art as well as science. (If Kraftwerk is unavailable, Radiohead would be OK.)
A supergroup composed of Milo Aukerman, Greg Graffin, and Dexter Holland and whatever members of The Descendants, Bad Religion, and The Offspring they feel like bringing with ’em. Rockers with Ph.D.s are cool.
That band from the movie The School of Rock. In the interests of moving the plot along, Jack Black’s character didn’t pursue areas of math and science/music overlap with his student bandmates, but he could have. Besides, the sprogs deem this band face-meltingly awesome.
Who else, wise readers, ought we audition?

Why not form a “virtual band” from whichever ScienceBloggers have musical talents? Amazing what you can do with modern mixing software….
TMBG seems like an obvious choice, but do not discount The Aquabats. Heck, they even had a song called “Nerd Alert!” on their last album.
I will kill TMBG if they are voted house band. Seriously. I have updated my threats. I hate them. With a passion.
But I could so get by with a Descendents/Bad Relgion/Offspring houseband. Problem is Milo, Greg, and Dexter are all lead singers. The band needs a backing band (ie, a band).
Methinks the world is ready for a nerd-punk a capella group!
The band We Are Scientists is a bit too on-the-nose?
I know that I’m showing my age, but what about TALKING HEADS (before the break up)?