Hey, for those of you coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference, don’t forget to sign up for the dinners! There’s one big group dinner on Friday, January 19, from 7 to 10 PM, and a bunch of group dinners on Saturday, January 20, right after the official conclusion of the conference.
You know you’ll have fun sharing a meal with other conference attendees, some of whom you may only know through the screen. Make a date to meet them in the three-dimensional world.
For those of you who really like planning your trips, many of the restaurants in question have their menus online. Yes, I’ve already decided what I’m getting both nights. I don’t want to risk missing some good conversation while my head is buried in a menu!

We need to all bring cameras and afterwards post pictures! There will be some awesome bloggers there, as well as some exciting non-bloggers: scientists, journalists, writers, editors, teachers, students… it is going to be great fun! Can’t wait!
The Carolina Brewery menu has useful icons of beer and carrots to indicate which meals are made with beer and/or vegetarian. That made me so happy! I’m vegetarian and I usually spend 30 minutes reading the menu to find that one thing without meat, and here I can see it right away!