I promised the folks who were listening to my talk at the Science Blogging Conference that I’d post the links to the various blog posts whose screenshots I used to illustrate my points. Here they are:
Results of “tone deafness” test published.
Reversal of Progress on Folate Supplementation
First take on a Philosophy of Science elective
Republicans made science for-profit only
ToI on reforming India’s R&D
RNA Export Diagram
Gene Expression Differences between Populations
Hawaii, the New York Times, and triggered seismicity
The human factor.
Does circadian clock regulate clutch-size in birds? A question of appropriatness of the model animal.
Vial Thirty-Three: Warp Drive
The 8th Northeast String Cosmology Meeting
Networking tips
Advising First-Year Students
A reader asks: Are all PIs assholes?
Junior Senior Professor
Equal opportunity for interviewing
I’m allowed to be a little freaked out, right?
My Life as a Woman Scientist
Mistress of the Lab: All Shall Bow to Me!
Question and Offer
OA/Open Science resolutions.
An interesting comment made by a reader

Thanks for posting these links. Great selection. Thank you for a terrific presentation and discussion.
I second Ryan’s comment. Great links and I was quite impressed with your energy and presentation at the conference. Amazing.