My humble haiku,
Clobbered in the poll — Unless
You vote, intervene.
Voting closes February 26, 11:59 PM EST — so act now!
(If you want to be sure you’re voting for mine, I reproduce them below the fold.)
The one of my two entries with the most votes so far:
A mature science
has no need for causal talk?
Chemists shout, ” ‘Fraid not!”
“Underlying Stories: The Structure of Causal Talk in Chemistry and in Everyday Life”
The other haiku I submitted, which is not doing well at all:
Chlorite, iodide.
What makes such oscillations?
Perturb, gauge response.
“Experiments and theory toward the determination of bifurcation features and the deduction of the mechanism of the oscillatory chlorite-iodide reaction”
I advise against stuffing the ballot box, since that ain’t right, but do feel free to enlist the help of your friends!

Well, I found them easy to identify without this post, knowing your history. And I voted for one, from each of us.
And, now that it is the “next day”, as the family is wont to say:
Hippo, birdie, two ewes, …
Dr.Free Ride –
Party Patriot spyder just brought this to my attention. You should have posted it on the WAAGNFNP blog today, esp. since I have an animal theme going. But I got in just in time to vote for you.