* After watching The China Syndrome tonight, I will henceforth refrain from saying “Coffee is for closers!” when I see Jack Lemmon on screen. Getting mad about falsified X-rays of welds makes his character, Jack Godell, an official friend of this blog.
* My online Philosophy of Science course has been switched on for about 12 hours and already more than 50% of the enrolled students have logged in to the course. That’s good! (Sometimes, weeks into the term, I’ll get phone calls asking, “So, when and where is the class going to meet?”)
* My soccer team (of six-year-olds) seems to have grown an attention span over the summer. That’s also good!
* The surprise that three separate people expressed to me today that I, as a female parent, would be a soccer coach? Less good.
* For this evening’s soccer practice, I wore a T-shirt with a buckyball on it. Does that make me a nerd?

I know it was a rhetorical question, but: yes.
For this evening’s soccer practice, I wore a T-shirt with a buckyball on it. Does that make me a nerd?
That and a host of other reasons. But nerds are loved in this family.
50% have logged in? That’s _amazing_.
Yes, yes it does, but there’s nothing wrong with being a nerd. For evidence, I cite an old joke:
What did the bully call the nerd in ten years?
Bucky ball? No.
Bucky ball with numbered faces? Yes.
Yay buckyballs! Especially for soccer.