An interesting addition to the tenure dossier: a public talk on one’s research.
I think the philosophers quoted have interestingly different ideas of what constitutes the well-being of a profession.
How hard *was* the job market in philosophy 10 years ago? (And did they really have to walk to the APA and then back to the remote motel barefoot in the snow and uphill both ways?)
Students ask astounding questions about their class enrollment. It’s enough to make you wonder if they understand this “college” thing the same way their professors do.
A quick reminder that who we see doing X can shape our views on who *can* do X.
A modest proposal to solve the postdoc problem.
Recommended preparation for grad school.
“These Colors Don’t Run (they grow mold, ferment, degrade, are infested with insects, turn to slime and just plain smell bad): A Long Term Study Of The Forces Of Nature On Assorted Fruits From The Western United States”. I’ve found my source of political prognostication through Presidential Election 2008
I actually like these link posts rather a lot- saves my lazy self the work of looking stuff up! Like the Readers’ Digest of science blogs! (Only better.)