Longtime readers may remember that last August saw a semi-spontaneous confluence of ScienceBlogs bloggers in New York City.
Apparently, we are nothing if not creatures of habit. This August, we are as salmon swimming upstream to return to our spawning grounds. (Well, except that most of us are not planning on spawning, and all of us plan on surviving the weekend.)
Anyway, this time around, Seed is planning on hosting a bloggers and readers meet-up, Saturday August 9, probably around 3:00 PM, in a location to be announced (but one that is likely to have air conditioning). In addition to the opportunity to meet some of your favorite bloggers in real life, this gathering also promises swag and snacks.
In order to make sure there’s enough room/food/swag, the folks at Seed are trying to get a rough guess as to how many of you all might turn up for such an event. If you think there’s a non-zero probability that you’d attend, please leave a comment (with your estimated probability of joining us).
I’ll be there, and I’d be thrilled to meet some of you all in three dimensions.

Since i’m already in NYC, don’t see why i shouldn’t make it. Be nice to meet a few more of the Sci Blogs folks.
Hmmm. Very tempting to make a day trip down from Saratoga County — providing, of course, that I’ve fully recovered from the previous weekend’s Champlain Valley Folk Festival.
long time lurker in the NYC area. I’d like to come – sounds like fun.
Hi. Random lurker RSVPing. I’d put the probability of being there at about 90%.
“most” lolz!
I’m a longtime lurker and very occasional commenter, and I’d put my probability at around 50%. After all, Scienceblogs was indirectly responsible for me meeting my partner/bf/fiance/whatever-he-is. And he’d be there, too.
There is a strong possibility…
can probabilities have uncertainties? I would totally be there, but I’m moving between now and then (to an UWS apartment with a backyard! …yes, this comment is an excuse to brag about my new digs) and moving does strange things to you. So, 75% +- 20%.
Very fun. High probability of attending!
If I can lose my girlfriend at Astoria Beer Gardens, I will most definitely attend. I would offer a 42.2% probability.