For those of you who expressed an interest (even telepathically) in the meet-up of ScienceBlogs bloggers and readers in the three-dimensional world (specifically, Manhattan) next Saturday, I now have much more precise details:
UPDATE: We won’t be meeting at the Arthur Ross Terrace. (Thundershowers are in the forecast, and our group looks like it will be large.) When I have information on the actual venue (and how to get there) I will post it here.
We’ll be meeting at 2:00 pm on Saturday, August 9, at the Arthur Ross Terrace at the American Museum of Natural History in Central Park. Once there, please head to the cafe tables and chairs set by the trees on the upper terrace, facing the Rose Center. The terrace is accessible from the Theodore Roosevelt Park at 81st Street and Columbus Avenue.
This is an outdoor location with tables and shade, which we thought was best for the large numbers we’re expecting. After we’re all assembled in this spot, if smaller groups are interested in grabbing a coffee or sitting in air conditioning, then we’d be happy to point them to one of several nice cafes nearby.
Please pass this on to anyone who might be interested. We’re all very excited to interact with readers in RealSpace!
The plan is to hang out until 4 PM, so don’t worry if you can’t be there at the stroke of 2. Here are directions to the AMNH. It looks like the B subway line won’t be operating on Saturday, so if subway is your transportation method of choice you’re better off with a C train to the 81st Street stop.

… (even telepathically) …
There’s a nice man in Florida, name of Randi as I recall, who’s got a million dollars for anyone who can prove they can do that. So now’s your chance to try and drink Janet under the table, proving Ed’s right, and also put the bank balance significantly into the black.