(Kick off post here.)
I’m inspired by The World’s Fair to write this update in the style of Harper’s Index.
22: number of ScienceBlogs blogs that have so far mounted challenges.
8,480: dollars donated so far through those challenges
700 billion: the only number other than the year in a ScienceBlogs blogger’s challenge title
3,078: students reached by the proposals funded by donations to ScienceBlogs challenges
90: donors who have donated to ScienceBlogs challenges
10: largest number of donors to any of the challenges mounted by ScienceBloggers
3: challenges mounted by ScienceBloggers with a single donor
2: challenges mounted by ScienceBloggers with no donor
4: current ScienceBlogs rank on the Blogger Challenge motherboard
937: dollars by which ScienceBlogs challenges are currently trailing mommy blogger challenges
164: donors by which ScienceBlogs challenges are currently trailing mommy blogger challenges
I know we can catch up to the mommy bloggers!
Check out the challenges, kick in a few bucks, and help kids learn!
(Also, if your employer matches donations to charities, DonorsChoose will happily take that match!)

Does this mean the mommybloggers readers have a much lower average donation/doner?
Does this mean the mommybloggers readers have a much lower average donation/doner?
You need to start thinking about this like a scientist and/or a politician. We are going to consider several dependent measures and report the ones that make us look the best!