BikeMonkey tagged me ten days ago, but Casa Free-Ride has adopted the just-in-time model of jack-o-lantern production.
Here are the rules:
Carve a pumpkin.
Light’er up.
Snap a foto.
Post it.
Tag some bloggers.
Here are the photos:
Owing to the fact that this is Hallowe’en already, I’m tagging you if you want to be tagged. Otherwise, you’re off the hook.

Not dark here yet, but camera is ready and the pics will be posted promptly.
I’m seriously impressed with your pumpkin carving skills!
here’s this year’s carving attempts
Mind you, when I was growing up, the idea was to scare people… that way there would be candy left over at home…
I may get more up there later tonight…
oh well, it appears that the bar in question has run out… I hope that the ones that I have are enough…