Video dispatch from the mouth of the cave of grading: why do we write the essay before the lecture?

Another week, another stack of essays to collect (and read, and comment upon). This week, though, a student actually asked the question in class that I imagine many ask themselves: why are they writing essays on material before I’ve lectured on it, rather than after?

Because I’m too tired to type, I take on that question in a brief video dispatch.

Posted in Academia, Personal, Teaching and learning.


  1. Great way to communicate with your students, and I like that your explaining your pedagogy to them. Do they appreciate or comment on it?



  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention Video dispatch from the mouth of the cave of grading: why do we write the essay before the lecture? | Adventures in Ethics and Science --

  3. too tired to type

    but you make and edit the vid–text effects, too–so that must be less effort than typing the whole thing? in any case, the less formal, more conversational style of this is quite engaging. (though I do enjoy your meaty text posts, too.)

    and I really like how you treat the student’s question respectfully, not as a whine of “why don’t you make this easier for us?” but as a sincere request for understanding–which you provide. way to go. your students are lucky to have you.

    (also, cool picture behind you.)

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