Friday Sprog Blogging: what is Friday Sprog Blogging about?

Back in January 2006, when my blog moved to ScienceBlogs, I put up a post the first Friday that I thought was going to be a one-off, a reconstruction of a conversation I had with my kids (then 4.5 and 6.5 years of age) that struck me as having a distinctly science-y nature. As it […]

Friday Sprog Blogging: limits on screen time.

Dr. Free-Ride: I know you have some views, maybe, or questions, or something, about the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations about children, adolescents, and television. Although it’s not actually just television, it’s other screens, too. So, first off, can I get your general reaction to the fact that your pediatrician even has a view about […]

Friday Sprog Blogging: trust and the internet.

Regular readers will recall that this is not the first time the Free-Ride family has discussed skepticism and trust. Dr. Free-Ride: You two are both exploring the internet more lately, and you know that one of the things people use the internet for is to sell you stuff, right? Younger offspring: Yeah. Elder offspring: Yeah. […]

Friday Sprog Blogging: Antarctica: Land of Endless Water.

Last week, I noted that the Free-Ride offspring are off kicking it with The Grandparents Who Lurk But Seldom Comment, and that, to ensure that you would not have to endure a Friday without a Sprog Blog, I gave each of the sprogs a book to read during their visit with their grandparents and asked […]

Friday Sprog Blogging: Mummies, Bones, and Body Parts.

The Free-Ride offspring are currently summering (for a couple weeks, anyway) with The Grandparents Who Lurk But Seldom Comment. Practically, this means the conversations between Free-Ride offspring and parents over the past week have been brief and focused on how awesome day camp is. I have, however, taken steps to ensure that while I am […]

Friday Sprog Blogging: I scream, you scream.

Dr. Free-Ride: Do you remember what [Dr. Free-Ride’s better half] said we were going to do at some point this summer? Using the machine in our garage that Uncle Fishy and RMD left for us? Younger offspring: That ice cream machine? Dr. Free-Ride: Yeah. Younger offspring: Oh, I love that! Dr. Free-Ride: Well, what are […]

Friday Sprog Blogging: planning our (science-y) summer.

It’s June already, and we still have not finalized summer plans for the Free-Ride offspring. (Hey, my semester just ended, and it was only yesterday that I wrapped up the Large Administrative Task That Shall Not Be Named Now That It’s Finally Done. I’ve been a little distracted.) Anyway, given that we’re at the stage […]