Friday Sprog Blogging: evidence of science.

Jet-lag and grading fatigue (plus being on the other coast for three days) mean that I haven’t had much time lately to sit down with the sprogs and have a conversation about science. However, Casa Free-Ride presents me with clues which suggest that the Free-Ride offspring have been thinking about science.

Friday Sprog Blogging: science in pictures and words.

The Free-Ride offspring have been wary of extended conversations with me lately (maybe since most of them eventually come around to, “Surely you’d like to help your mother grade these papers!”). However, I was able to extract some pictorial evidence that each of them has been thinking about science. From the younger Free-Ride offspring, some […]

Friday Sprog Blogging: grading.

Think about blah blah blah, and then you do blah blah blah to do blah blah blah. And that equals blah blah blah. Try to do something like that to answer this one. I know it’s not the same question, but just try to do something like that to answer it.

Friday Sprog Blogging: the bunny has landed.

This week, the Free-Ride family welcomed a new member. Snowflake Free-Ride (who also goes by Notorious B.U.N.) is a 9-month old New Zealand White rabbit who we adopted on Tuesday. She is cute, fluffy, and big (nearly 5 kg). And, she seems to be adjusting to life at Casa Free-Ride.

Friday Sprog Blogging: first contact with extraterrestrial life.

Despite the crush of the closing weeks of the semester, I found a little time to follow the conversation about whether Earthicans ought to welcome a meeting with whatever extraterrestrial life might be out there to meet us, or whether we’d be better off hiding under the bed. Although the Free-Ride offspring have not followed […]

Friday Sprog Blogging: watershed field trip.

Dr. Free-Ride: So, you went on a field trip today to a lagoon. Younger offspring: Yeah, I went to [Name redacted] Creek and [Name redacted] Lagoon. Dr. Free-Ride: You know, I’m going to redact the names to protect your privacy. Tell me what you saw on your field trip that was interesting.

Friday Sprog Blogging: bad dreams.

The Free-Ride offspring have been enjoying their Spring Break visiting with the Grandparents Who Lurk But Seldom Comment. The night before they left, however, the younger Free-Ride offspring awoke in the wee hours because of a bad dream. As we all know from the peer reviewed literature on the subject, the best treatment for that […]

Friday Sprog Blogging: peer review.

Unlike some of my dear readers, the elder Free-Ride offspring, upon reading yesterday’s post, immediately recognized it as an April Fool’s Day joke. (This recognition was accompanied by only the barest hint of a smile. A mother’s fine, dry wit is, apparently, an acquired taste.) Although that post was bogus, some of its content seemed […]