Friday Sprog Blogging: science fair questions.

Earlier this week, I got to judge projects at a Science Fair, which, as usual, was loads of fun. This year, however, owing to budget cuts and staffing cuts and things like that, there will be no science fair at the sprogs’ elementary school. We are wistful about this, especially after the fun we had […]

Friday Sprog Blogging: recent drawings of animals.

It’s been awhile since the Free-Ride offspring have shared their artwork. Today, we offer some of their drawings of animals. From the younger Free-Ride offspring: Tigers. They may look cute, but you don’t want to get near them when they’re hungry.

Friday Sprog Blogging: more on pseudonymity.

Although I swear that the Free-Ride offspring have not read the relevant prior posts! While walking home from school: Younger offspring: From now on, in the sprog blogs, can you call me “the small, silent one”? Dr. Free-Ride: Why? You’re neither small nor silent. Elder offspring: Definitely not silent. I live with you, I know.

Friday Sprog Blogging: K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

On account of Valentine’s Day being right around the corner, and inspired by Sheril’s almost-through-the-edits book on the science of kissing, I thought I’d ask the Free-Ride offspring (now 8.5 and 10.5 years old) whether they had any questions about kissing that they thought science might be able to answer. Their initial reaction:

Friday Sprog Blogging: ferrets.

The elder Free-Ride offspring, always a fan of mustelids, has lately taken a particular interest in ferrets. Given that Casa Free-Ride is located in the great state of California, this interest in ferrets has also spurred an interest in state law. In California, it’s illegal to keep ferrets as pets. According to the elder Free-Ride […]

Friday Sprog Blogging: getting organ-ized.

Early this month, my better half got something for the Free-Ride offspring that is somewhere in the realm of “this will be edifying, but maybe they’ll find it cool, and if they don’t then at least the grown-ups will have fun playing with it”. So far, it has been all of the above. It’s a […]

Friday Sprog Blogging: biodiversity, I choose you!

Longtime readers of this blog may recall that the elder Free-Ride offspring has a fondness (occasionally verging on obsession) for Pokemon cards. This means I had no choice but to involve my offspring in Dave Ng’s Phylomon project: [W]hat can we do to get kids engaged with the wonderful creatures that are all around them? […]