Catching up on news that broke while I was doing stuff: the results of the University of Pittsburgh investigation of Gerald Shatten’s conduct are out. As reported in the New York Times:
Dr. Gerald P. Schatten, a biologist at the University of Pittsburgh who was involved with Dr. Hwang Woo Suk and his discredited claim to have cloned human cells, was accused yesterday of “research misbehavior” by an investigative panel appointed by the university.
That’s right, not research misconduct (which has a more or less standard definition, at least from the point of view of federal funders of scientific research like NSF and NIH). Research misbehavior. My interpretation of this verdict: “We can’t nail you on a high crime against science (i.e., fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism), but you were sleazy in your conduct.”
And, judging from the findings of the panel investigating Schatten’s conduct, the sleaze was rather relevant to Schatten’s reliability as a member of the community of science.