For those of you who mostly follow my writing here on “Adventures in Ethics and Science,” I thought I should give you a pointer to some things I’ve posted so far this month (which is almost half-over already?!) on my other blog, “Doing Good Science”. Feel free to jump in to the discussions in the comments over there. Or, if you’re daunted by the need to register to comment at SciAm, go ahead and discuss them here.
Suit against UCLA in fatal lab fire raises question of who is responsible for safety. You should also read the posts on this case by Prof-like Substance and Chemjobber.
The Research Works Act: asking the public to pay twice for scientific knowledge.
Lads’ mags, sexism, and research in psychology: an interview with Dr. Peter Hegarty (part 1).
Lads’ mags, sexism, and research in psychology: an interview with Dr. Peter Hegarty (part 2).
Dr. Hegarty is one of the authors of that paper we discussed here in December on the influence that magazines aimed at young men (“lads’ mags”) might have on how the young people who read them perceive their social reality.