Friday Sprog Blogging: why we love science!

Elder offspring (age 6.5): I can’t wait for Friday! We get to do science in school!
Younger offspring (age 4.5): We do nature study every day.
Dr. Free-Ride: That’s because you don’t have standardized tests yet, or the science would get crowded out by all the other stuff on the test.
Elder offspring: We’re learning about the life-cycles of different animals. And, we have two bearded dragons in our science classroom.
Younger offspring: We’re learning about marine mammals, but Aidan C. and I call them “gaREEN mammals”.
Dr. Free-Ride: Green mammals? You two are silly, aren’t you. Hmm … are there any green mammals?
Dr. Free-Ride’s better half: Sloths.
Dr. Free-Ride: Sloths?
Dr. Free-Ride’s better half: Sloths. An algae grows on them* and helps them blend in with leaves.
Dr. Free-Ride: Cool! Like what happened to the polar bears at the zoo when there was algae growing in their hair shafts.
Younger offspring: What other color mammals are there?
Dr. Free-Ride: When you guys were babies I fed you lots of carrots to see if I could make you orange mammals.
Elder offspring: Did it work?
Dr. Free-Ride: It did not. Is there no mammal that I can turn orange by feeding it lots of carrots?
Younger offspring: Not one that you can turn orange.

Posted in Kids and science.


  1. Yes, it’s the diet thing. Without going back to Michelle’s explanation and coming from an English major, here’s my take. There’s a chemical, it’s orange, it ends up in flamingos because they eat a lot of shrimp. It ends up in cheetos because we put it there–though it is naturally occurring and not a real dye. As I understand it.
    Can the next post have something to do with technology, so I’m not stumbling on myself. :)

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