There are days when having a body is inconvenient.

Do you know that feeling one gets that is characteristic of “about to come down with something”, where you have an off taste in your mouth and your head feels fuzzy, and it seems like the very best thing you could possibly do is just lay your head on your desk for a few moments and close your eyes?
Yeah. I’ve had that feeling all day.
However, I have absolutely zero time to actually come down with something at this particular juncture. Therefore, I will be conducting a Mind Over Immune System experiment (not a very scientific one, I’ll admit) in which I see whether telling myself sternly not to get sick keeps me from actually getting sick.
Indeed, I feel extra-motivated not to succumb to whatever bug is trying to get the upper hand given that I learned from a reliable source this morning that it is possible to vomit through one’s nose (indeed, to be woken up by doing so in one’s sleep). That in itself sounds like a good reason never to get sick. Ever!

Posted in Biology, Medicine, Passing thoughts, Personal.


  1. Trust me. Bile in the nasal cavities is extremely unpleasant.
    Acid reflux when sleeping can also lead to inhaling, which is also quite unpleasant.

  2. Go ahead and give in to the desire to lay your head on the desk – 20 minutes is all you need and you will reap the benefits of the sacrifice several-fold in new productivity. Eat well, lots of nice cold water, and love from the sprogs and SprogFather will have you back to normal in no time.

  3. Wow… I never knew it was possibly to vomit through one’s nose. Then again, I only learned last year that it is possible to cough so hard you vomit.

  4. Hope you get over it soon, whatever it is. Then you’ll be strong and healthy when the sprogs and better half come down with it. And it’ll give the elder sprog an opportunity to practice her drama queen skills.
    Chicken soup, 7up for the throat, aspirin or ibuprofen for the aches and pains. Don’t forget to request things of the hubby, take advantage of his solicitude. The sprogs are in the right chronological territory to be affectionate and cuddlesome right now, so enjoy their attentions.
    And if your lung start feeling clogged up, see your doctor. If it feels like you can’t breath; you can’t call paramedics.
    Virtual hug and cuddle headed your way (and the better half gets one too, don’t want him to feel left out).

  5. Therefore, I will be conducting a Mind Over Immune System experiment (not a very scientific one, I’ll admit) in which I see whether telling myself sternly not to get sick keeps me from actually getting sick.
    I wish you luck in your experiment! I am new to and have been very impressed indeed so far! Maybe if you know any neurophysiologists you can see if they can give you any pointers. Perhaps if you change the tone, or harmonic resonance while talking to yourself it will woo the immune system into compliance? LOL!
    Dave Briggs :~)

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