Deadlines rapidly approaching for two blog carnivals of note (plus a way to help raise money for an award without knowing where your wallet is).

First about those carnivals:

*The deadline for submission to the second installment of the Diversity in Science carnival is midnight (EST) tonight. It’s being hosted at Thus Spake Zuska and this month’s topic is “Women Achievers in STEM – Past and Present.”
I myself am trying to get a post up before the deadline. If you get in under the wire, or have already written a post that you think fits the theme, submit it here.
*The deadline for submission to the April installment of Scientiae, the women in science, engineering, technology, and math carnival, is March 29. The Candid Engineer is hosting, and describes the April theme as follows:

Tell us about that most firey fire through which you have had to walk in your scientific career. How did you overcome the challenge? Did you have help along the way, or was it a solo effort? And what did you learn? Why are you a better scientist given the difficulties that you have encountered?

Instructions for submitting a post for Scientiae can be found here.
Now, the opportunity to help raise money for an award without having to spend any money yourself:
Dr. Isis and the American Physiological Society are funding an award to be awarded at this year’s Experimental Biology meeting for the undergraduate woman who submits the best abstract. What’s your part in this? You can help Dr. Isis boost her blog-traffic so that that little check Seed cuts her each month can fund a bigger award. Writes Dr. Isis:

Right now I make about enough in a month to cover the cost of my internet connection. In order to fund the award, I have agreed to donate to the APS the proceeds from my blogging shenanigans over the next 30 days [through April 19]. The APS has very generously agreed to provide matching funds up to a final award amount of $500. My current traffic is not sufficient to completely fund the award….but it could be if I about doubled my traffic.
So, it’s really quite simple. I am asking you to help reward an undergraduate scientist for research excellence by clicking on my blog and asking others to click too. If you click once a day, come by twice a day. Each time you do, the proceeds generated will go to fund this award.

Since you’re already online, reading a blog, clicking over to Isis’s blog is a pretty easy way to help fund this undergraduate award. Of course, if you want to help even more, you can kick a few bucks into the award on Paypal.

Posted in Announcements, Carnival barking, Diversity in science, Philanthropy, Women and science.

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