Random bullets of “I guess we’re back in the thick of things!”

My semester has, in the last 10 days or so, shifted from “close enough to equilibrium to seem manageable” to “who parked their ton of bricks right on my soul?!” I suppose I should have seen this coming, right?

  • That weekend sprog blog never materialized. The proximate causes were a whole mess of grading, and the younger Free-Ride offspring working on yet another school project (for Band, which is technically an extracurricular activity, but I was too busy grading to pursue it).
  • Plus, it turns out that Dr. Free-Ride’s better half seems to have already recycled the aforementioned booklet on how to keep your kids safe (from cyberbullying, sexting, and the like) online. Perhaps this is evidence to indict us as bad parents. However, I think the record will reflect that we’ve been attentive to the dangers of creepy internet stalkers since at least late January of 2006.
  • Best thing at a science fair: the kid who can explain in detail how (and why) all of his strategies for measuring the variables of interest ran into unforeseen difficulties, and how (given more time, if not better instrumentation) he might MacGuyver his way around them. Especially when the kid is not defeated but enthusiastic about the challenges science presents, not to mention the fun of tackling those challenges.
  • Sadly, that good thing didn’t keep the worst thing in my inbox from knocking the wind out of my sails. It sounds like “the management” of the public university system of which my fair campus is a part is planning to go Wisconsin on the faculty union’s collective posterior as we negotiate our contract. After all, this is a terribly cushy job, and I and my fellow faculty members personally orchestrated the financial collapse.
Posted in Academia, Kids and science, Passing thoughts, Personal.


  1. After all, this is a terribly cushy job, and I and my fellow faculty members personally orchestrated the financial collapse.

    Of course you did. Somebody has to take the blame and we all know it can’t be the private sector, right?

    For-profit companies ALWAYS do a better job than those selfish, government paid, union, hacks who are only in it for the satisfaction of knowing that they’re helping others.

    Shame on you!

  2. Ah, I was afraid of most of that.

    Watch your legislatures for violations of any sunshine laws (a la WI). There is family history to honor. AND PLEASE wear a hard hat if you go out on a picket line.

    Is Civics still a required course in CA HSchools, or will this end up being your “teachable moment” in that field for the Sprogs?

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