Marcel Vigneron was robbed!

I simply cannot accept the final judgment in Bravo’s Top Chef (season 2). Marcel should have won.
Sure, I didn’t actually taste the two meals. But simply on the basis of innovation (especially given that the panel of judges seemed to have really good things to say about the flavors of both meals), Marcel should have had the edge. And that’s before we even get into which of the two finalists showed himself to be more ethical and mature (a category Marcel also won on the merits).
I am now officially interested as heck in learning all about molecular gastronomy. It’s chemistry that non-chemists can see a reason to care about. If Marcel Vigneron or “his people” (if he has “people” at this stage of his career) read this, Marcel has a standing invitation to appear on this blog and educate us about the chemistry of that cool stuff he does in the kitchen.

Beginning of semester moment of clarity.

Since classes for our Spring semester started just last Wednesday, my approach to the university this morning (from freeway exit to parking garage) involved a huge line of cars, creeping very slowly. It also involved campus police directing the movement of long lines of cars at what is, in normal circumstances, a four-way stop. It has been this way since last Wednesday, and it will continue to be this week for probably another week.
In about a week, as if by magic, campus police will no longer be needed to move the traffic, and the lines of cars at any given moment will be reduced by at least 50%.

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Nota bene.

Since I’ll be in transit much of the day today, it may take longer than usual for your comments to appear. Imagine yourself in soladarity with me in a line at an airport.
In the meantime, here’s who’s on notice:

Not entirely random accumulation of items.

I’ve decided that the “intersession” we have between semesters is a cruel hoax. Though it promises a few weeks in which one might actually get some writing done, what it delivers is an endless list of tasks (many spawned by bureaucracy) that one must scurry to accomplish before the next semester starts. Feh!
As I’ve been scurrying, I’ve accumulated some items I’d like to share:

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File this away.

Because everyone is doing it, here’s the card catalog entry for this here blog:

I miss physical card catalogs. I would totally buy one for Casa Free-Ride if I could get my hands on one. (Although, would buying them up amount to contributing to their demise in libraries?) The sprogs have only ever dealt with online library catalogs, which I think is a shame. And they don’t know from 8-tracks!
Anyway, you are invited to make your own and report back on it.

Online party to shut down Berube’s blog.

You may have heard that the very dangerous professor is putting his blog on mothballs so he can play more hockey. But, it’s not over until the WAAGNFNP Minister of Justice says it’s over. And, she says (at comment 71 on this post) “We Are All Giant Nuclear Fireball. Now Party!“:

Le Blogue-WAAGNFNP Blowout Party

WAAGNFNP High Council Club

Saturday, Jan. 13th 8pm Eastern

Doors open at 7:30pm

I’ll be bringing a bag of lemons, a bag of sugar, and a case of Absolute Citron, so make sure you have your USB shotglass handy.

How to make your mother sick with worry in 2007.

Don’t update your blog for a few days.
Seriously, the fact that I left a message on the machine to let her know that the Free-Ride family made it home safely was apparently not persuasive in the absence of new blog entries since our return.
I was totally offline for a few days. I got some groceries, took the kids for haircuts and doctors appointments, did a little gardening, did a little reading. I promise I’m still alive and everyone is reasonably healthy.
The prospects are even pretty good for a post on ethics and/or science in the next 24 hours.