Catch you in the (near) future: another meme before getting on a plane.

Today the Free-Ride family schleps to the airport (with what seem to be crates of warm layers) to fly East. Assuming Super Sally’s wireless internet allows it, I’ll have a Friday Sprog Blog up sometime Friday.
I guess that also assumes that there are no missed connections or flight cancellations. Let’s hope.
Anyway, Dave Munger tagged me with another meme, so I’m posting my response before I officially become a Holiday Traveler.
The question:

What one sentence would you tell the future if your area of expertise was about to expire? For example, Richard Feynman, the physicist, said, “The world is made of atoms.”

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How’s your week going?

It’s finals week here. My brain hurts, and I’m on what is reputed to be the easier side of the student-professor divide, so I have great empathy for my students at the moment. (At least, for the ones who aren’t trying to put one over on me.)
In the last week, I have:

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Stream of (un)consciousness linklove.

You know how I was sick last week? I was all responsible and stuff, drinking lots of green tea and getting to sleep early and all, and over the weekend I actually felt reasonably healthy for like a day and a half. And now? I seem to have caught another nasty cold.
Which is to explain that this post may reflect my current state of not partaking as fully of consciousness as I generally like to. Also, in the interests of your own health, you should avoid licking the screen while reading this.

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